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Other Court Locations

Unless otherwise directed by the judge, for matters set in cases filed in Beaumont and Lufkin the primary location for holding court is Beaumont.  For matters set in cases filed in Sherman and Texarkana the primary location for holding court is Plano.  For matters set in cases filed in Marshall and Tyler the primary location for holding court is Tyler.  Upon order and notice from the bankruptcy judge court may also be held in the following locations:

104 North Third Street | Lufkin, Texas 75901

Although court may be held in the Lufkin courthouse, there is no Bankruptcy Office at this location.
Courthouse Information

Federal Building | 500 North Stateline | Texarkana, Texas

Although court may be held in the Texarkana courthouse, there is no Bankruptcy Office at this location.
Courthouse Information

If the judge directs, court will be held in one of the following locations:
Please click the appropriate link for Courthouse and disability access information.
Paul Brown Courthouse
US Courthouse Annex

Although court may be held in a Sherman courthouse, there is no Bankruptcy Office at this location.