Appendix 1001-h: External Operating Procedures - Clerk's Office
Appendix 1002-a: Requirements for Commencing a New Bankruptcy Case (Effective August 22, 2022)
Appendix 1002-a - Redline version
Appendix 1007-b-1: Mailing Addresses of Federal and State Governmental Units
Appendix 1007-b-5: Revised Format for Creditors Matrix
Appendix 1007-b-6: Verification of Creditor Matrix Form
Appendix 1007-b-7: Notice of Change in Schedule of Creditors Form
Appendix 2016: Guidelines for Reimbursable Expenses
Appendix 5005: Administrative Procedures for the Filing, Signing, and Verifying of Documents by Electronic Means (This file also contains the exhibits to Appendix 5005) (Effective August 22,2022)
Appendix 5005 - Redline version
Appendix 9007: Procedures for Complex Chapter 11 Cases in Texas Bankruptcy Courts