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General Orders

General Order Regarding Fee Payment

General Order Concerning Apportionment of Certain Adversary Proceedings in the Sherman Division

Procedures for Filing Motions for Modification of Confirmed Chapter 13 Plans Under §1329(d) Prior to Expiration of Statuatory Authority

General Order Reopening all Intake Areas

Procedures for Filing Motions for Modification of Confirmed Chapter 13 Plans Under § 1329(d) Prior to Expiration of Statutory Authority

Procedures for the Filing, Service, and Managment of Highly Sensitive Documents

Extension of Alterations to Court Operations Arising from COVID-19 Pandemic

Extension of Alterations to Court Operations Arising From COVID-19 Pandemic

Adoption of Amended Interim Bankruptcy Rule 1020 Adopted in Response to Passage of the Cares Act and Pertaining to Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019.

Alterations to Court Operations Under Exigent Circumstances Arising from COVID-19 Pandemic
