While it is possible to file a bankruptcy case pro se -- i.e. without the assistance of an attorney -- it may be difficult to do so successfully. You may lose property or other rights if you do not know the law. It is recommended that a person considering bankruptcy consult with a competent attorney prior to filing a case. If you are an individual representing yourself without the benefit of an attorney, you are known as a pro se litigant. "Pro se" is a Latin term meaning "for yourself". As a pro se litigant, you enjoy every right entitled to you under the law. However, pro se litigants are expected to follow and abide by the rules that govern the practice of law in the Federal Courts. Pro se litigants should be familiar with the United States Bankruptcy Code, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and the Local Rules of this Court. Any other type of debtor, including a partnership or a corporation, must be represented by an attorney in order to file and to prosecute a bankruptcy case. Any case filed on behalf of such a debtor without the retention of legal counsel is subject to immediate dismissal. For information about lawyer referral programs in the Plano area, you may contact the Plano Bar Association at (972) 424-6113 or the North Dallas Bar Association at (972) 980-0472. For lawyer referral programs in the Beaumont area, you may contact the Jefferson County Bar Association at (409) 835-8438. You may also contact the State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral Information Service toll-free at 1 (800) 252-9690 or 1 (877) 9TEXBAR or review the basics of the State Bar attorney referral program on the World Wide Web at www.texasbar.com/lris. You may also consult the attorney section of your local telephone directory. Note: Federal Law prohibits all federal judges, their law clerks, and members of the bankruptcy clerk's offices from practicing law, or from answering any legal questions regarding any case or matter before the court.
No Attorney FAQ